12. October 2021
On 7th October 2021, the ASCG, together with EFRAG, held a public outreach session about the content of the IASB Exposure Draft ED/2021/3 Disclosure Requirements in IFRS-Standards – A Pilot Approach (web-based session).
The main purpose of the session was to discuss the key topics and proposals of the Exposure Draft. In a lively debate, participants considered various issues related to the Exposure Draft. The IASB suggestions on:
were largely viewed critically, generally in line with tentative positions of EFRAG and the ASCG.
The slide deck of the outreach session is now available at the ASCG website (in German). The report will be available soon.
In addition, we would like to draw the attention to a questionnaire published by EFRAG on the IASB’s Exposure Draft. The questionnaire, which targets specifically small and medium entities, can be completed until 20 November 2021. The input received through the survey will help EFRAG in commenting on the Exposure Draft vis-à-vis the IASB. Access to the questionnaire and further information is available via the press release on EFRAG’s website.