23. October 2023

Environmental Taxonomy Regulation: 12th ASCG User Forum

On 20 October 2023, the ASCG held the twelfth User Forum on the Environmental Taxonomy Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2020/852) with over 70 participants.

The user forum is exclusively open to ASCG member companies and associations. The issues and solutions discussed in the user forums are forwarded to the European Commission in the form of submissions. Some of the issues raised in the submissions are also addressed in the FAQs published by the European Commission. Additional information can be found on the relevant ASCG project page.

At the beginning of the user forum, econsense and the VCI each presented a study on taxonomy reporting of the last reporting season.

The participants discussed:

  • the application of the new reporting templates for non-financial entities for economic activities that are taxonomy-eligible under several environmental objectives,
  • the application of the new table according to footnote c of the new reporting templates for non-financial companies,
  • the application of the reporting templates for economic activities related to nuclear energy and the production of energy from natural gas, and
  • the reporting of CapEx plans.

A date for the next user forum has not yet been set. An announcement with a request for registration will be sent out in advance.