19. May 2017
Following the completion of the legal process around the transposition of the CSR Directive into German Law, the ASCG’s two Technical Committees are working hard on developing implementation guidance. We hope to be able to publish a draft German Amendment Accounting Standard (D-GAAS) No. 8 for public consultation shortly after the upcoming joint meeting of the two Committees to be held on 8 June in Berlin.
With D-GAAS 8 we aim at amending the existing German Accounting Standard GAS 20 Group Management Report by including a new section on a group’s non-financial declaration. Due to the limited time available – a final amendments needs to be in place by the end of Q3, should entities be able to benefit from it –, we do not aim at a fundamental review of the standard at this point.
In order to give all interested parties the opportunity to let us know your views, we plan hosting a public outreach event on Thursday, 31 August 2017 from 13:00 to 17:00 hrs at the Airport Conference Center in Frankfurt/Main. We will provide further details on the event and the possibility to participate on our website once the draft amendment is published.