5. October 2022
The Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG), jointly with EFRAG and in cooperation with the IASB Staff is organising a roundtable discussion. The IASB would like to use this event to discuss selected aspects of its project Primary Financial Statements.
The discussion will focus on the tentative decisions the IASB has taken after reviewing the feedback received on its Exposure Draft ED/2019/7 General Presentation and Disclosures.
The roundtable will take place in German language on:
Friday 11 November 2022
from 10:00 to 12:30
as a video and telephone conference
in a closed session.
In addition to the IASB Staff, the Chairman of the IASB, Prof. Dr. Andreas Barckow, will also participate in the event.
The objective of the event is to discuss selected aspects of the revised proposals for:
The event targets preparers as well as users of financial statements and provides the participants with the opportunity to comment on the IASB’s redeliberations. The results of the discussions will help the IASB in assessing whether the selected tentative decisions will function as intended and achieve the intended balance of costs and benefits.
Please register your interest by contacting bahrmann@drsc.de by 7 November 2022.
Participants will receive a set of documents prepared by the IASB Staff that includes background information on the project, the selected tentative decisions the IASB is seeking feedback on and specific questions for participants. The number of participants is limited.