2. February 2021

Prof Dr Sven Morich elected Vice-President of the ASCG

At its 37th meeting today, the Administrative Board of the ASCG unanimously elected its current Executive Director Prof Dr Sven Morich as Vice-President of the organisation from 1 April 2021. His term of office is three years.

The Chairman of the Administrative Board, Dr Nicolas Peter, wished Mr Morich every success in his new role:

“With Mr Morich, the ASCG has found an excellent appointment for the position of Vice-President. His professional expertise in the field of accounting is already highly recognised in the ASCG. Thus, the two-member Executive Committee as the legal representative of the association is optimally positioned for the future to accompany the diverse challenges in the context of corporate reporting.”

The outgoing President, Prof Dr Andreas Barckow, was also pleased with the election:

“With today’s personnel decision, the reorganisation of the Executive Committee is complete. I am sure that I am thus leaving the leadership of the ASCG in very good hands and wish Mr Morich all the best in his new role.”

Mr Georg Lanfermann, who will take over as President of the organisation on 1 March 2021, also congratulated Mr Morich on his election:

“I look forward to working with Mr Morich in the future. By re-establishing a Vice-President, we will be very successful in covering the diverse range of tasks of the ASCG.”

Mr Morich himself commented on his appointment as follows:

“I look forward to continuing to work for the ASCG as part of a great team. A particular focus of mine is the further development of financial reporting in the economic and public interest, both according to international and national standards. My goal is to continue the successful work of the ASCG in both areas and also to be able to provide new impulses in my new role.”

Today’s election by the Administrative Board is the result of the decision taken on 28 October 2020 to fill the role of Vice-President again after a three-year break in order to comprehensively cover the ASCG’s broad portfolio of tasks with regard to financial and non-financial corporate reporting in the Executive Committee (we reported). The advertisement of the position was followed by a nomination process, which was concluded today.