5. October 2022
The ASCG invites all interested parties to an educational session. The topic of the event will be the IASB’s redeliberations on its project on Primary Financial Statements.
During the event, we would like to inform you about the tentative decisions that the IASB has taken since reviewing the feedback received on its Exposure Draft ED/2019/7 General Presentation and Disclosures.
The event will take place on:
Friday, 28 October 2022
from 10:00 to 11:00
as a video or telephone conference.
Participation is free of charge. For logistic reasons, we kindly ask you to register your interest by sending an email to bahrmann@drsc.de before 26 October 2022.
The educational session is related to the IASB roundtable discussion on 11 November 2022 during which the revised proposals will be discussed with the IASB Chair and the IASB Staff (further information).
We would like to use the educational session on 28 October 2022 in particular to inform the participants of the roundtable about the current project status and the selected decisions the IASB is seeking feedback on to help participants prepare themselves for the roundtable discussion.