15. October 2021

ASCG appoints new Technical Committee on Financial Reporting

At its 42nd meeting yesterday, the ASCG‘s Administrative Board elected the members of the Financial Reporting Technical Committee with effect from 1 December 2021.

The areas of responsibility of the previous activities of the two technical committees for German GAAP and IFRS will transfer to the new committee on that date.

The election followed the proposal of the ASCG’s Nomination Committee. It was preceded by a public application and tender process (we reported – only in German).

The Technical Committee on Financial Reporting will be composed as follows:

Name Term
Jens Berger 30.11.2024
Andreas Bödecker 30.11.2026
Gero Bothe 30.11.2026
Dr. Marco Ebel 30.11.2024
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Eierle 30.11.2024
Prof. Dr.  Corinna Ewelt-Knauer 30.11.2025
Dr. Michael Seifert 30.11.2025
Andreas Thiele 30.11.2022
Cedric von Osterroht 30.11.2023
Birgit Weisschuh, 30.11.2025
Dr. Stefan Wich 30.11.2026

The new committee thus comprises three members of the former German GAAP Technical Committee, five members of the former IFRS Technical Committee and three new members. The terms of office were staggered, with the current terms of office being carried over for the existing members.

“I congratulate all future members of the Technical Committee on Financial Reporting on their election and look forward to working with them in the new structure and membership. At the same time, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those members of the previous Technical Committees on German GAAP and IFRS who will be leaving on 30 November. They have all played a decisive role in shaping the technical work and standard-setting activities of the ASCG over the past few years”, commented the Chairman of the Technical Committee, Vice President Prof Dr Sven Morich, on the election.

The appointment of the new Technical Committee follows as a consequence of the structural reform of the ASCG’s expert work (we reported – only in German). Accordingly, the ASCG‘s technical body will in future consist of a Technical Committee on Financial Reporting and one for Sustainability Reporting. The members of the second committee are to be elected at the upcoming meeting of the Administrative Board on 29 November 2021.