1. December 2017
In July this year, the members and the Board of Directors of the ASCG had decided on a new leadership structure for the association by means of corresponding amendments to the articles of association and committee resolutions.
The term of office of Vice President Peter Missler ended yesterday. “I would like to thank Peter Missler for his many years of commitment to the ASCG – first on the Administrative Board, then as Vice President – and for the very good and trusting cooperation” the President of the ASCG, Prof Dr Andreas Barckow, said in the course of the farewell. He added: „I wish Peter Missler all the best, lasting health and success in the continued care of his talents for the new phase of his life. I would like him to remain attached to the ASCG even after his active career as a standard-setter.”
As of today, the association will be represented by an Executive Director in addition to the President. The Administrative Board had appointed Prof Dr Sven Morich to this newly created position for a five year term. The Executive Director will take care of the administrative and organisational aspects of the association. This includes in particular the close exchange with our members in order to further promote the development of financial reporting and accounting.
“In my new role, I would like to invite you to an intense and fruitful dialog. Your questions and concerns are an essential contribution for the association, in order to be heard as an expert advisor and to represent the interests of the German economy in the field of financial reporting nationally and internationally.” Mr Morich expressed himself in a letter to the members on the first day in his new function.
“Sven has been a Technical Director of the ASCG since 2013 and is very familiar with the structures of the association. I am pleased that we have been able to win him over to the role of the Executive Director and I am sure that we will continue the positive development of the ASCG together.” Andreas Barckow said, looking forward to his continued cooperation with Sven Morich in his new role.