3. July 2019

New appointments to the technical committees of the ASCG

The Administrative Board of the ASCG unanimously decided at its meeting on 2 July 2019 to fill the vacant positions in the Technical Committees as of 1 December. With its vote, the Board followed the proposal of the Nomination Committee.

Claudia Nikolic (Bayerische Beamten Versicherung) was appointed to the HGB Technical Committee for a further four-year term of office as the preparer (insurer). The Administrative Board appointed Prof Dr Brigitte Eierle of the University of Bamberg to replace Prof Dr Isabel v. Keitz, who did not stand for re-election, as the academic on the Committee. Professor Eierle was appointed for five years.

With the immediate resignation of Bianca Hoffman (Allianz), a representative of the insurance industry was sought for the IFRS Technical Committee; the position will be filled by Andreas Thiele (also Allianz), who will take up office immediately and from 1 December for a three-year term. In the segment of auditors (technical), Jens Berger (Deloitte) was appointed to replace the departing member Guido Fladt (PricewaterhouseCoopers) for a term of five years.

The President of the ASCG, Andreas Barckow, made the following comments on the resolutions passed: “I am pleased about the continuing high quality profile of the applications we receive, which this time again did not make it easy for the Nomination Committee. My thanks go to the retiring members Bianca Hoffman, Isabel von Keitz and Guido Fladt for their contribution to our technical work. They have all enriched the discussion and played a decisive role in shaping it. At the same time I welcome our new members Brigitte Eierle, Jens Berger and Andreas Thiele and look forward to an equally fruitful cooperation with them”.

Members of the HGB Technical Committee (from December 2019)

  • Dr Stephan Brandt, Banks
  • Prof Dr Christian Fink, Industry
  • Prof Dr Bernd Grottel, Audit
  • Prof Dr Brigitte Eierle, Academic (new appointment for Prof Dr Isabel v. Keitz)
  • Dr Bernd Keller, Audit
  • Claudia Nikolic, Insurance (reappointment)
  • Cedric v. Osterroht, Industry

Members of the IFRS Technical Committee (from December 2019)

  • Jens Berger, Audit (technical; new appointment for Guido Fladt)
  • Prof Dr Sven Hayn, Audit (practice)
  • Andreas Thiele, Insurance (new appointment from 1 July 2019 for Bianca Hoffman)
  • Prof Dr Hans-Jürgen Kirsch, Academic
  • Dr Jörg Wallbaum, Industry
  • Dr Stefan Wich, Industry
  • Dr Christoph Weber, Banks