15. February 2022
The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation today announced the appointment of ASCG to the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF), the IASB’s technical advisory body (further information).
ASAF consists of a total of 12 national and regional standard setters in the area of financial reporting, each represented by designated individuals. The full new composition of ASAF for the next three years can be found in the IFRS Foundation press release.
“I am very pleased to represent the ASCG as a member of ASAF after a break of almost four years. The forum represents an important element for the global acceptance and further development of IFRS Standards. In addition to conceptual considerations, I would particularly like to contribute the practical experiences from the German constituency”, commented the Vice-President of the ASCG, Prof. Dr. Sven Morich, on the decision.
ASAF meets four times a year. All meetings are public and can be followed live via webcasts on the IFRS Foundation’s website. The first meeting of ASAF in its new composition will take place on 31 March and 1 April 2022.