28. July 2021
Today, the IASB have published the Exposure Draft ED/2021/8 comprising another proposed amendment to IFRS 17.
This draft addresses an implementation issue, which arises when an (insurance) entity initially applies both IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 in the same reporting period, e.g. in the year 2023. If so, accounting mismatches may occur in respect of the comparative period, i.e. the year 2022, for which IFRS 17 requires a full restatement, while IFRS 9 allows a partial restatement only (e.g. no restatement is allowed for financial instruments that are derecognised during 2023).
The draft proposes to add to IFRS 17 an additional transition rule affecting the presentation of comparatives. The amendment would permit an entity to apply a “classification overlay” in the comparative periods presented on initial application of both standards. This optional classification overlay would:
Comments on this exposure draft are received by 27 September 2021 the latest. The IASB intend to finalise this amendment by end of 2021.