21. May 2019

IASB publish Exposure Draft for Annual Improvements to IFRSs (2018-2020 Cycle)

Today, the IASB published the Exposure Draft ED/2019/2 for Annual Improvements (Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2018-2020 Cycle).

This draft proposes amendments to the following standards:

  • IFRS 1 – Subsidiary as a first-time adopter later than its parent;
  • IFRS 9 – Fees included in the ’10 per cent’ test for derecognition of financial liabilities;
  • Illustrative Examples accompanying IFRS 16 – Lease incentives
  • IAS 41 – Relevance of taxation in fair value measurements.

Comments can be submitted to the IASB by 20 August 2019.

Further information can be found on the IASB web page.