13. January 2017

IASB publish Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2015-2017 Cycle

The IASB published the Exposure Draft ED/2017/1 of Annual Improvements (Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2015-2017 Cycle). This draft proposes amendments to the following standards:

  • IAS 12 – Accounting for income tax consequences of payments on financial instruments that are classified as equity;
  • IAS 23 – Determination of borrowing costs, when the construction of a qualifying asset has been completed;
  • IAS 28 – Interaction of the impairment requirements in IAS 28 and IFRS 9 in case of a long-term interests.

Comments need to be received by 12 April 2017 and should be submitted electronically.

Further information under the Link