21. December 2020
On 18 January 2021 EFRAG and the ASCG will hold a joint web-based outreach event on the tentative proposals of the project task force recently established at EFRAG to carry out preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards. The joint webinar, with a focus on Germany, is part of a series of similar, country-specific events that EFRAG will hold in virtual form between 13 and 22 January 2021. The webinars will provide an opportunity to gather stakeholders’ views from different countries on the tentative proposals of the Project Task force. The webinar on 18 January will be held in German language with two German members of the project task force, Roman Sauer (Allianz) and Hendrik Fink (PWC), as speakers.
Following a request on technical advice from the European Commission, EFRAG set up the Project Task Force on preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards (PTF-NFRS) in September 2020. The PTF-NFRS published its first progress report in November 2020.
You can find further information and register on EFRAG’s website.