22. July 2015

EFRAG and ASCG invite companies to participate in a public survey on impact of the forthcoming new IFRS on Leases on financial covenants in loan agreements

The IASB has completed its redeliberations in regard to the proposed new lease accounting requirements. The new IFRS on Leases is expected to be issued before the end of 2015. It will require lessees to recognise assets and liabilities for all identified leases. The amount of newly recognised lease liabilities is expected to be significant for many entities. Therefore, questions have been raised about the possible impact of the new IFRS on financial covenants in loan agreements that refer to measures of debt, net financial position or similar indicators. EFRAG, the IASB and the National Standard Setters are performing this public survey to acquire quantitative and qualitative information about how covenants are determined in Europe.

The public survey is open for comment until 30. September 2015 (zimniok@drsc.de)