22. June 2023
We are pleased to present to you the ASCG Annual Report 2022.
After several years of limited personal interaction, it was particularly important for the ASCG last year to again step up its collaborative dialogue with the broader public, above all with new content, and not only digitally, but also now in person. Following the structural reform in 2021 and the associated expansion of the ASCG’s remit, the number of stakeholders has also grown. This has greatly increased both our public presence and the need for discussion.
In the spirit of these developments, the ASCG employed a variety of communication channels in 2022 in order to gather as many views and experiences as possible and to allow them to flow into the standardisation process. The ASCG as a platform for exchange – we have taken this motif as the basis for developing the design and content of our annual report. We are referring to both time-tested and new formats and events.
The interview with Sustainability Reporting Technical Committee member Prof. Dr Kerstin Lopatta and ASCG President Georg Lanfermann about the ASCG’s activities relating to EFRAG’s work on the first set of draft standards provides a vibrant introduction to the topic.