Key facts about the ASCG


The Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG) is the national standard setter in the area of group financial reporting in Germany. The organisation was established on 17 March 1998 as an independent and registered not-for-profit association by German Industry and is domiciled in Berlin. The ASCG had been formally acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice as the private standardisation organisation pursuant sec. 342q of the German Commercial Code. Formal acknowledgement took place by means of a Standardisation Agreement on 3 September 1998. Following a temporary suspension in 2010, this agreement had been renewed on 2 December 2011.

 Objectives and tasks

The association was founded with the objectives of:

  • promoting the further development of financial reporting in the public interest by bringing together those that show an interest in the technical world of financial reporting, particularly accountants;
  • being recognised by the Federal Government as the German Standard Setter, supported in its goals and heard as a competent advisor, without compromising the sovereignty of the legislator and the courts;
  • representing the views of German Industry in the area of financial reporting internationally; and
  • to provide technical support for the transformation towards an increasingly broad understanding of accounting and reporting and to integrate this into the work of its standing committees. Significant impulses must be acted on, especially those from the area of sustainability reporting. The EU Green Deal is resulting in new reporting requirements for a broad spectrum of German companies. This applies equally to developments at international level, where the IFRS Foundation is establishing the basis for consistent international standardisation in this area.

On the basis of these three overarching objectives six tasks have been formulated for the ASCG, which are codified in paragraph 2 section 1 of its Constitution. Accordingly, the ASCG shall, in the public interest:

  1. Develop recommendations for the application of GAAP in the area of group financial reporting;
  2. Advise the Government on legislative affairs domestically and at the EU level in the area of financial reporting;
  3. Represent the Federal Republic of Germany in international fora concerned with financial reporting;
  4. Develop interpretations on International Financial Reporting Standards pursuant sec 315e (1) of the Commercial Code;
  5. Raise the quality of financial reporting generally; and
  6. Promote research and education in the aforementioned fields.

The first four areas mentioned above are a direct consequence of the ASCG’s legal mandate pursuant sec 342 of the Commercial Code and the Standardisation Agreement. The latter also mentions raising the quality of financial reporting generally as another area for the ASCG.

The ASCG also decides to address topics for which there are gaps or a need for change in national and international financial accounting and reporting. In addition the ASCG’s agenda includes advisory projects for the Federal Ministry of Justice.


The ASCG finances its activities completely through membership fees, licenses, publications and other income. Income generated from royalties may only be used for the objectives codified in the Constitution; hence, the association is not a for-profit organisation but functions solely for the benefit of its members. Notwithstanding its obligation to act in the public interest, the ASCG does not receive any public money for carrying out its tasks.

c. Publications. Publications by the ASCG and the technical committees may take a variety of forms (e.g. standards, exposure drafts, comment letters, articles in specialist journals, articles on the ASCG’s website). The ASCG and the technical committees use these channels to discuss certain financial accounting and reporting issues and to circulate proposed solutions.

The technical work performed by the ASCG staff covers all the individual instruments. The staff drafts the publications and prepares and follows up the public discussions and the meetings of the working groups.


The technical work of the ASCG is largely carried out through its two Technical Committees, which are represented by the President and Vice President of the ASCG. With the structural change as of December 2021, the technical work is now distributed among the Financial Reporting Technical Committee, the Sustainability Reporting Technical Committee, and the Joint Technical Committee.

The Financial Reporting Technical Committee’s remit is to actively follow and comment on the work of the IASB/IFRS Interpretations Committee as well as of EFRAG and to develop recommendations on the application of GAAP in the area of group financial reporting.

The Sustainability Reporting Technical Committee with its particular expertise from German perspectives attends to matters of international and European standard-setting activities in the field of sustainability reporting.

The Joint Technical Committee becomes active when reporting issues apply equally to and are relevant for both technical committees.

Both Committees are supported by Working Groups which allow the Committees to revert to experts with subject matter and/or industry-related knowledge.


The ASCG is a member of the most important organisations in the area of financial reporting. These are: the IFRS Advisory Council (IFRS AC) of the IASB where we advise the IASB on its strategic direction. The ASCG is holding the joint seat for the four European Standard Setters from France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy and is represented through his President. Further, the bodies of EFRAG are of high importance to the ASCG as well. Here, the ASCG is actively participating in the monthly meetings of the Technical Experts Group (through one of its Project manager) as well as of the EFRAG Board (through its Vice President).